Electro Voice Musical Instrument Amplifier 2181F User Manual

X-Array™ Install  
Bass System  
Unprecedented acoustic output in  
a small, lightweight package  
Ring-Mode Decoupling (RMD)™  
provides accurate transient detail  
EVX-180B woofers  
Unique rear-hinge rigging  
Flying and non flying configuration  
(RMD) to substantially improve clarity and  
intelligibility by reducing both linear and  
nonlinear resonance modes that color the  
still audible. The source of these resonances  
may be mechanical or acoustical in nature,  
or a combination of both. In addition, they  
may be linear or nonlinear, resulting in their  
character changing with level. Furthermore,  
these ring-modes may be aggravated when  
multiple loudspeaker enclosures are as-  
sembled into arrays. The result is a colora-  
tion that decreases intelligibility and clarity,  
with the nature of that coloration varying  
with level. Often, the listener perceives that  
coloration as imbalance in the frequency re-  
sponse, and will attempt to electronically  
adjust the system to restore the spectral bal-  
ance. However this electronic equalization  
has the negative effect of changing the pro-  
gram material itself.  
Ring-Mode Decoupling (RMD) addresses  
mechanical resonances with mechanical  
solutions, and acoustical resonances with  
acoustical solutions. In the Xi-2181 devel-  
opment, RMDwas applied at every level –  
to the individual low-frequency drivers, the  
low-frequency enclosure chambers and the  
interaction between multiple enclosures. The  
design process included, for example, the  
driver cone, suspension geometry and mate-  
rials, enclosure geometry and materials, ab-  
sorptive materials, etc. The result is a dra-  
matic improvement in clarity and with a  
much more neutral sound (a lack of colora-  
tion) with the loudspeaker system maintain-  
The X-Array Install™ product line repre-  
sents important advancements in concert-  
sound-reinforcement technology. The design  
goals called for the highest acoustic output  
capability with the highest fidelity in light-  
weight, compact enclosures that were easy  
to array. The development began with a clean  
sheet of paper and took an integrated ap-  
proach. The individual loudspeaker drivers,  
horns, enclosures, rigging hardware and sys-  
tem configurations were designed from the  
ground up specifically for this high-perfor-  
mance application.  
The low-frequency driver in the Xi-2181 is  
the EVX-180B. An improved version of the  
industry-standard EVX-180A high-excur-  
sion 467-mm (18-in.) woofer that has dis-  
tinguished itself as an industry standard for  
high-power, low-frequency reproduction.  
During the X-Arraydevelopment, the ther-  
mal conduction of the motor was improved  
and the suspension was redesigned, giving  
the EVX-180B even lower power compres-  
sion and a longer mechanical lifetime. In the  
Xi-2181, the woofers are manifolded in a  
vented enclosure optimized for maximized  
output from 37-160 Hz with minimized dis-  
Ring-Mode Decoupling, (RMD), is a tech-  
nique utilized and named by Electro-Voice  
to describe a process used to improve sound  
quality in loudspeaker systems. RMDof-  
fers a solution to a very fundamental prob-  
lem. It has long been recognized that two  
different loudspeaker systems can sound dif-  
ferent even though they both may be equal-  
ized to have the same frequency response.  
This difference is due to a variety of reso-  
nances, or ring modes that color the sound.  
Although this ringing may be very low in  
level compared to the program material, it is  
The Xi-2181 is a manifolded, vented-box  
bass system utilizing two 457-mm (18-in.)  
woofers. The two woofers face each other  
in a manifold chamber at the center of the  
enclosure. This manifolding technique (U.S.  
Patent Number 4,733,749) increases the  
acoustic loading, resulting in increased low-  
frequency efficiency (at slightly above box  
tuning) and reduced distortion compared to  
conventional direct-radiating designs. The  
woofers were designed as part of the Xi-2181  
development and represent a step forward  
in state-of-the-art loudspeaker design in  
terms of high acoustic output with low  
distortion and low power compression.  
Electro-Voice engineers developed a new  
technology dubbed Ring-Mode Decoupling  
Xi-2181 Bass System  
quickly, and offers such flexibility in the  
vertical angling of cabinets that pull-up  
points are usually unnecessary. Furthermore,  
all of the flying Xi loudspeaker models in-  
clude the same rigging hardware, allowing  
different models to be mixed as necessary  
throughout an array.  
equalization, signal delay and limiter func-  
tions. Program parameters for optimal per-  
formance of the X-Array™ systems are avail-  
able. Electro-Vioice, 600 Cecil St., Bucha-  
nan, MI 49107 USA, 616/695-6831  
Architects’ and Engineers’ Specifications  
The loudspeaker system shall be a two-  
driver, manifolded, vented-box low-fre-  
quency system with a frequency response  
from 37-200 Hz. The loudspeaker system  
also shall have two 457-mm (18-in.) low-  
frequency woofers and each shall have an  
8-ohm, 101-mm (4-in.) diameter voice coil  
and a 600-watt power rating. The loud-  
speaker shall have a rigging system enabling  
a column of loudspeakers to be hinged at  
their back corners, with relative downward  
angles set by adjustable rigging straps at the  
front. The enclosure shall be constructed of  
18-mm thick, 13-ply birch plywood, and  
shall be trapezoidal, forming an 18° wedge  
and be 914 mm (36.00 in.) high, 584 mm  
(23.00 in.) wide at the front, 354 mm (13.93  
in.) wide at the back and 759 mm (29.88 in.)  
deep, and shall weigh 83.5 kg (184 lb.)  
Electro-Voice P3000 Power Amplifiers:  
The stereo P3000 power amplifiers are rated  
at 800 watts into 8 ohms, or 91-volts rms  
short term. The amplifiers are 3-U high and  
weigh 28 kg (62 lb) each. Electro-Voice, 600  
Cecil St., Buchanan, MI 49107 USA,  
The working-load limit (for an 8:1 safety fac-  
tor) for each rigging point on the Xi loud-  
speaker enclosure is 227 kg (500 lb) for a 0°  
pull angle and 170 kg (375 lb) for a 90° pull  
angle when used with the New Haven  
NH32101-2 double-stud fitting, and 113 kg  
(250 lb) when used with the New Haven  
NH8192-2S or Ancra 42546-10 single-stud  
fittings with locking pins. The working-load  
limit(for an 8:1 safety factor) for the overall  
enclosure is 340 kg (750 lb). (Consult the  
X-Array Install™ Flying Manual for specific  
structural ratings and limitations.) The en-  
closures may be oriented with the rigging  
track on the side of the enclosure, or on the  
top and bottom, and may be daisy-  
chained together as long as the safety fac-  
tor is 8:1 or greater and local regulations are  
met. For fire safety and additional structural  
strength in both flying orientations, top-to-  
bottom and side-to-side metal straps link the  
rigging track inside the enclosure.  
Uniform Limited Warranty  
Electro-Voice products are guaranteed  
against malfunction due to defects in mate-  
rials or workmanship for a specified period,  
as noted in the individual product-line  
statement(s) below, or in the individual prod-  
uct data sheet or owner’s manual, beginning  
with the date of original purchase. If such  
malfunction occurs during the specified pe-  
riod, the product will be repaired or replaced  
(at our option) without charge. The product  
will be returned to the customer prepaid.  
Exclusions and Limitations: The Limited  
Warranty does not apply to: (a) exterior fin-  
ish or appearance; (b) certain specific items  
described in the individual product-line  
statement(s) below, or in the individual prod-  
uct data sheet or owner’s manual; (c) mal-  
function resulting from use or operation of  
the product other than as specified in the  
product data sheet or owner’s manual; (d)  
malfunction resulting from misuse or abuse  
of the product; or (e) malfunction occurring  
at any time after repairs have been made to  
the product by anyone other than Electro-  
Voice Service or any of its authorized ser-  
vice representatives. Obtaining Warranty  
Service: To obtain warranty service, a cus-  
tomer must deliver the product, prepaid, to  
Electro-Voice Service or any of its authorized  
service representatives together with proof of  
purchase of the product in the form of a bill of  
sale or receipted invoice. A list of authorized  
service representatives is available from  
Electro-Voice Service at 600 Cecil Street,  
Buchanan, MI 49107 (800-234-6831 or FAX  
616-695-4743). Incidental and Consequen-  
tial Damages Excluded: Product repair or re-  
placement and return to the customer are the  
only remedies provided to the customer. Elec-  
Electronic Accessories:  
Merlin ISP-100 Integrated Signal Proces-  
sor: The ISP-100 is a 2-channel, modular,  
signal processor configurable from 2 in/2 out  
up to 2 in/8 out, or 4 in/ 2 out up to 4 in/6  
out. Completely customizable by the de-  
signer from input to output; integrating,  
crossovers, compressors, limiters, PEQ's,  
high pass/low pass/all pass, gates, and rout-  
ing/combining, etc. Program parameters (in-  
cluding factory designed topologies) for op-  
timal performance of the X-Array systems  
are available. Merlin, 600 Cecil St., Bucha-  
nan, MI, 49107, U.S.A., 616/695-6831.  
Klark Teknik DN8000 Digital Controller:  
The DN8000 digital electronic loudspeaker  
controller has a two-in/five-out architecture,  
with each output having programmable high-  
pass and low-pass filters, four-band equal-  
ization, signal delay, compressor-limiter-and  
noise-gate functions. Program parameters for  
optimal performance of the X-Array™ sys-  
tems are available. Klark Teknik, Klark In-  
dustrial Park, Walter Nash Road,  
Kidderminster, Worcestershire DY11 7HJ  
England, 44-156-274-1515  
CAUTION: The Xi loudspeaker system  
should be suspended overhead only in ac-  
cordance with the procedures and limita-  
tions specified in the X-Array Install™ Fly-  
ing Manual and manual update notices.  
Field Replacement  
Normal service for the Xi-2181 requires only  
a #2 Phillips screwdriver and a 3/16-inch  
hex-key wrench. The drivers may be ac-  
cessed as follows:  
LF: First remove the grille, then remove the  
screws securing the hatch on the front of the  
enclosure. Remove the screws securing the  
18-inch woofer and lift the woofer out of  
the enclosure. In the event of failure, the  
entire woofer must be replaced or reconed..  
The following service parts are available  
from the service department in Buchanan,  
Michigan USA:  
Electro-Voice Dx34A Digital Controller:  
The Dx34A digital electronic loudspeaker  
controller has a two-in/four-out architecture,  
with each output having programmable high-  
pass and low-pass filters, two- or three-band  
LF #818-2883 EVX-180B complete driver.  
The complete drivers are available only for  
repair replacement and are not available for  
general sale.  
tro-Voice shall not be liable for any incidental  
or consequential damages including, without  
limitation, injury to persons or property or loss  
of use. Some states do not allow the exclu-  
sion or limitation of incidental or consequen-  
tial damages so the above limitation or exclu-  
sion may not apply to you. Other Rights: This  
warranty gives you specific legal rights, and  
you may also have other rights which vary  
from state to state.  
such as cone and/or coil damage resulting from  
improperly designed enclosures. Electro-Voice  
active electronics associated with the speaker  
systems are guaranteed for three (3) years from  
the date of original purchase. Additional de-  
tails are included in the Uniform Limited  
Warranty statement.  
tion due to defects in materials or workman-  
ship for a period of one (1) year from the  
date of original purchase. Additional details  
are included in the Uniform Limited War-  
ranty statement.  
For warranty repair, service information, or  
a listing of the repair facilities nearest you,  
contact the service repair department at:  
616/695-6831 or 800/685-2606.  
Electro-Voice Accessories are guaranteed  
against malfunction due to defects in materi-  
als or workmanship for a period of one (1)  
year from the date of original purchase. Addi-  
tional details are included in the Uniform Lim-  
ited Warranty statement.  
For technical assistance, call: 800/234-  
Electro-Voice Speakers and Speaker Sys-  
tems are guaranteed against malfunction due  
to defects in materials or workmanship for a  
period of five (5) years from the date of origi-  
nal purchase. The Limited Warranty does not  
apply to burned voice coils or malfunctions  
Specifications subject to change without notice.  
Electro-Voice Flying Hardware (including  
enclosure-mounted hardware and rigging  
accessories) is guaranteed against malfunc-  
Figure 1 — Polar Response  
The directional response of the Xi-2181 was measured in an anechoic environment at a distance of 6.1 m (20 ft.) using 1/3-octave-filtered  
pink noise with a full spherical measurement system. The polar response of the loudspeaker system at selected 1/3-octave frequencies is  
shown. The selected frequencies are representative of the polar response of the system.  
5 dB per division  
63 Hz  
80 Hz  
100 Hz  
160 Hz  
200 Hz  
125 Hz  
Figure 2 — Frequency Response  
The frequency response of the Xi was mea-  
sured on axis in the far field in an anechoic  
environment using a swept sine-wave sig-  
nal. One watt of power (2.00-volts rms at  
70 Hz) was applied to the mid band of the  
low-frequency section. The sound pressure  
level was normalized for an equivalent one-  
meter distance.  
Without Crossover and EQ  
With Crossover and EQ  
Figure 3 — Beamwidth  
The beamwidth of the Xi , (i.e., the included  
horizontal and vertical coverage angles at the  
-6-dB points) was measured with a full-  
spherical measurement system as described  
in Figure 1.  
Figure 4 — Directivity  
The directivity index, Di, and directivity fac-  
tor, R, of the Xi-2181 were measured with a  
full- spherical measurement system as de-  
scribed in Figure 1.  
Xi-2181 Bass System  
Figure 5 — Distortion  
Distortion for the Xi was measured on axis  
in the far field in an anechoic environment  
with an input signal that would result in a  
sound pressure level of 115 dB at one meter.  
The sound pressure level was normalized for  
an equivalent one-meter distance. Plots of  
second and third harmonic distortion are  
shown referenced to the fundamental.  
2nd Harmonic  
3rd Harmonic  
Figure 6 — Impedance  
The impedance of each frequency band  
of the Xi was measured in an anechoic  
Figure 7 — Wiring Diagram  
The wiring diagram of each frequency band  
of the Xi is shown.  
Xi-2181 Bass System  
Figure 8—Dimensions  
Xi-2181 Bass System  
Vertical, 63-200 Hz:  
300° (+60°, -120°)  
Directivity Factor, R (Q), 63-200 Hz  
Average (see Figure 4):  
2.2 (+0.8, -0.4)  
Directivity Index, Di, 63-200 Hz  
Average (see Figure 4):  
3.4 dB (+1.4 dB, -0.9 dB)  
Distortion (115 dB SPL at one meter,  
shaped spectrum; see Figure 5),  
Second Harmonic,  
40 Hz:  
80 Hz:  
Third Harmonic,  
40 Hz:  
80 Hz:  
Enclosure Construction,  
Enclosure Shell:  
18-mm, 13-ply birch plywood  
Black textured paint  
Powder-coated steel with foam  
Rigging:Heavy-duty L-track on top/  
bottom which accepts New Haven  
NH32102-2 double-stud fittings  
914 mm (36.00 in.)  
Width (front):  
584 mm (23.00 in.)  
Width (back):  
354 mm (13.93 in.)  
Frequency Response (measured in far  
field, with and without crossover and  
equalization, calculated to one meter on  
axis, swept sine wave, one watt into  
system - 2.00 V at 70 Hz, anechoic  
environment; see Figure 2):  
37-200 Hz  
Crossover Frequency:  
125 Hz  
Efficiency Mid Band:  
5.3 %  
Maximum Long-Term-Average Power-  
Handling Capacity (per ANSI/EIA RS-  
426A 1980):  
1,200 watts  
Maximum Long-Term-Average Mid-  
Band Acoustic Output, LF/HF:  
64 acoustic watts  
Sensitivity (SPL at one meter, indicated  
input power, anechoic environment,  
average level),  
1 watt:  
98.5 dB  
1,200 watts:  
759 mm (29.88 in.)  
18° wedge  
Net Weight:  
83.5 kg (184 lb)  
Transducer Complement,  
Two EVX-180B 18-in. woofers  
Impedance (see Figure 6),  
Two 8-ohm loads  
Shipping Weight:  
91.8 kg (202 lb)  
Two 6.0-ohm loads  
Input Connections:  
Two Neutrik NL8MPR Speakon®  
connectors paralleled  
Recommended Amplifier Power, Rating:  
800 watts @ 8 ohms  
(91-volts rms short term)  
129.3 dB  
Beamwidth (angle included by 6-dB-  
down points on polar responses,  
indicated one-third-octave bands of pink  
noise; see Figures 1 and 3),  
Horizontal, 63-200 Hz:  
240° (+120°, -60°)  
600 Cecil Street, Buchanan, MI 49107  
616/695-6831, 616/695-1304 Fax  
©Telex Communications, Inc., 1999 • Litho in U.S.A.  
Part Number 535474—9913  

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